Stem Cell Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Stem Cell Therapy has reported 83% of successful cases in treating sexual function and restoration. This method includes correction and restoration of vascular, hormonal and neurological mechanisms of sexual capacity and body regeneration.

Erectile Dysfunction is a condition where the man is incapable of maintaining an erection necessary for coitus for a period of three months or longer. The causes can be both psychological and somatic. In about half of the cases, there is a combined cause of both.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (ucbMSCs) therapy brings about :

All of the above results in better sexual activity and an improvement in libido.

What helps to treat this particular condition is an open channel of communication between patient and doctor.

Stem Cell
Diagnostics may include :
Our entire process of diagnosis can take up to 5 days and may include:
Within three months of the treatment, the patient can see an improvement in his sexual life for up to 83%.

