At Cell Malaysia, we have been successful in treating patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes with the help of our advanced patented Mesenchymal Stem Cell (ucbMSC) transplant methods. The treatment has resulted in considerable reduction in preventing diabetes-related complications which can affect organs like kidneys, eyes, arteries etc.
- Completely ending the auto-aggression of cell-intervened immunity factors against β-cells
- Preventing those β-cells from destroying which were functional at the time of the treatment
- Helping the patient’s own β-cells by improving their functional capacity
- Preventing diabetes from affecting the eyes, peripheral nerves, kidneys etc.
- Improving insulin-dependent tissue condition
- Repairing peripheral tissue sensitivity towards insulin
- Bringing down atherogenic hyper-insulinemia
- Reducing the production of glucose and other pathologic lipids produced by liver cells
- Improve arterial wall conditions – resulting in the prevention of atherosclerosis
- Reducing hypoglycemic medication dosage
- Regulate carbohydrate metabolism resulting in stable Blood sugar levels and gradual decrease in HbA1C
- Regularize blood counts
- Reduce the severity and frequency of diabetes related complexities
- Improved sexual capacity
- Improved immunity
- Enhanced overall life quality
Diabetes Treatment for Children
ucbMSC therapy has been one of the most effective treatments of Type 1 diabetes among children, resulting in gradual slowing down of autoimmune aggression against pancreatic beta cells, or even temporarily terminate it. If the treatment can be started soon after the onset, the results are effective.
- Better management of diabetes and blood sugar levels
- Prevention of fluctuations in blood sugar levels
- Protection and maintenance of beta cell production by the pancreas
- Reduction in diabetes-related complications
- Boosting immunity
- Overall better health and development of the child
The treatment is more effective when they are started at the earliest after the onset of diabetes.
Looking for Another Treatment?
- Autism Treatment
- Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
- Alzheimers-disease
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
- Heart / Cardiac Diseases
- Muscular Dystrophy Treatment
- Cerebral Palsy
- Parkinsons Disease
- Ulcerative Colitis Crohns Disease
- Diabetic Complications
- Arterial Hypertension
- Developmental Delay
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Cartilage Regeneration