Cardiac / Heart TREATMENT

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (ucbMSCs) treatments during the recovery phase in postinfarction cardiosclerosis and hypertension cases has been proven to be very effective for overall health and for rheological properties of blood. Substantial improvements in post-transplantation patients have also been observed with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (ucbMSCs). Some of the improvements include overall health improvements, better sleep, and improved appetite, reduction in somatic depression, better thinking capabilities and overall emotional recovery. Some patients have also reported lower blood pressure levels after the initial pre-transplantation dose of anti-hypertensive drugs; but after 2-4 weeks of the stem cell transplantation, about 50% of patients have admitted to have reduced the doses of nitrates and other anti-hypertensive drugs. Some other health improvements observed over a period of time include reduced cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein levels, reduction in triglycerides etc. Almost all patients have experienced improvements in rheological properties of blood which can be associated with prolongation of coagulation time and increase in prothrombin index.

Some other improvements which can be noticed due to the formation of additional systems of collateral vessels in the heart muscles are as follows :-
An improvement in the overall health of the patients work positively towards motivating them to return to a normal work life and they also tend to extend their physical activities. All this leads to the an improved quality of life in ischemic heart disease patients, extending their life span to up to 35%.

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