An innovative anti-aging process using stem cells
Stem cells are mother cells that have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. One of the main characteristics of stem cells is their ability to self-renew or multiply.
Stem cells help renew skin cells, thus increasing the production of Elian collagen and Elastin, which helps the fullness of the skin, refine it and make it more youthful and fresh. It also prevents hair loss, stimulates hair growth and speeds up healing of burns and scars.
Fat of an adult human is the basic source and can be obtained easily and without any complications, which contains fatty tissue with high proportion of stem cells, which are obtained by suction.
Appropriate amount of fat from the patient’s body from around the knee or abdomen is extracted and stem cells are then separated using a centrifuge and are then re-injected after mixing with Cytocare to the patient himself or with Haircare for hair sessions.
Stem cell therapy is a permanent process. Stem cells strengthen the arteries and veins while helping transplanted tissues to survive and grow.